Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Happy Birthday Ethan

Wow, Wow, Wow...
My baby is Nine today!!!!
How is this possible? He is getting so big. He has reached that age where he is no longer a little boy:( He is getting older and stuff is now babyish. Picking out presents and cards were tough this year. Its all either too old, or too young. He is truly a wonderful kid, yes I know I am biased but he is. He is gaining interests, many things that I am not interested in like hunting, fishing, and Nascar. We have had a blast reading the Harry Potter books together. He is on book six and does most of the reading by himself. He is helpful and caring. Yes, he doesn't like to clean, I hope I get one kid that does. I still have to remind him to brush his teeth, put the toilet seat down, flush the toilet, and wash his hands, gross boys. But he is a pretty cool kid and I am so lucky that he is my kid.

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