Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Happy Birthday Ethan

Wow, Wow, Wow...
My baby is Nine today!!!!
How is this possible? He is getting so big. He has reached that age where he is no longer a little boy:( He is getting older and stuff is now babyish. Picking out presents and cards were tough this year. Its all either too old, or too young. He is truly a wonderful kid, yes I know I am biased but he is. He is gaining interests, many things that I am not interested in like hunting, fishing, and Nascar. We have had a blast reading the Harry Potter books together. He is on book six and does most of the reading by himself. He is helpful and caring. Yes, he doesn't like to clean, I hope I get one kid that does. I still have to remind him to brush his teeth, put the toilet seat down, flush the toilet, and wash his hands, gross boys. But he is a pretty cool kid and I am so lucky that he is my kid.

Friday, March 26, 2010


Okay, I am going to do something I rarely do and that is bitch about politics. I find that it is generally good to just STFU about these things, its usually easier. I do talk politics some in face-to-face conversations though from time to time. I was watching a tv program the other night and saw the Obama "Change" poster in the background. I started thinking "HA, yeah right?
Sure, People that lean to the left will say "health-care passed" People to the right will say that our national debt has increased and taxes are rising. But what happened to a "Change" in Washington? "The new Washington"...remember that one?
Things in Washington have not improved, in fact it seems like they are getting worse. I am so sick of all the bi-partisan BS. We are more divided as citizens as well. People are sending death threats to representatives and senators that voted yes to "the Bill". Okay, everyone has the right to disagree but to threaten, not so much. Plus, it doesn't appeal to the cause. People saying they no longer want to be "friends" with people that support "the bill" on social media sites.
No one is going to ever like every aspect of a bill. There are some good points and some bad.
I think it is a shame that as a country we are becoming further divided and acting like a bunch of toddlers. This goes for both sides. My "wish" for Washington is that the different parties could work together instead of further apart. People do hold the power and it may not be a bad idea to elect some moderates from both sides and elect some third party candidates.

Okay, I shall be stepping off the soap box now.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I will blog, I know I can.

Okay, My blogging skills have been seriously slack. This is going to be a resolution of mine. I will blog at least once a week.
There I typed it so I must do it.
In my world. Well Piper is almost One!!!!!! That's right. I don't know how the hell that happened. She is teething again and super clingy. Of course once she turns one the "how long are you going to breastfeed?" questions will start to roll in. Ummm... when she stops wanting to nurse. This answer really can't be much of a surprise. Really she is my fourth child.
Although I do know that when she is done, I better have a nice trip to Victoria's Secrets to buy non-nursing bras. I hope I will at least be a 32A though.

Okay if Pi is about to be One, then Dillon is about to be Three. OMG!!! He is potty trained!!!!!! His new nn is " Dillon the Destroyer" He is sweet one minute and the next it is if satan himself has replaced my little boy. I swear it is like the kid has roid rage.

Monday, August 17, 2009

She is Getting So Big

Piper is Six Months and has not one but TWO teeth. She got her first on Friday and her second Yesterday. She tried bananas this morning and she didn't hate them. She is really developing her personality and is smiling and laughing she is getting really fun, much less blob like.
She does have a raging case of separation anxiety. She flips her lid when I leave the room. Oh Joy!!!!

No Mo Babies for Us

Well I ended up doing it, yes me. It really made more sense because I had already meet my deduct able for the year it only cost me two co-pays. One for the consult and one for the actual procedure. I had Essure, www.essure.com which is a non surgical alternative to a tubal. It was pretty easy and I got to watch the entire thing on a scope so that was really cool. Now the aftermath is a little worse than I thought in fact it is kind of like recovering from childbirth. I am going to spare everyone the details. All in all I am glad it is over with & I would do it again.

Monday, August 3, 2009

First Day of School

Yes, School started today. Yes I know it is August 3rd, we have a balanced schedule and the kids get a week off every six weeks. I however think that August 3, is way to freaking early to start school. I will have to post the pic later but I forced the kids into taking their obligatory first day of school picture.
We got to school and by putting that that place was a madhouse is an understatement. I parked in the back parking lot behind the bus drop off. Of course there were dumb ass inconsiderate parents parking in the drop off/carpool line. I am not even going to start about what kind of example that teaches your children.
We all walked Chloe to her class room and she walked right in, gave her teacher her book bag, gave me a hug and kiss, Ethan a hug, and Dillon a kiss and walked right to her desk and said bye. There were no tears from her, or me. We then walked Ethan and all his stuff to his class room and said good bye. Apparently he is to "old" for a hug, much less a kiss. On the way to the car Dillon starts saying " Bye Chloe and Ethan, I love you, miss you" He has already asked me if it is time for them to come home. I think he misses his big brother and sister.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Piper is Six Months Old Today

I can not believe that Piper is already Six Months Old!!!!! Yes, I have managed to help her survive that long. She is getting so big. She is a wonderful baby. She is very laid back and rarely cries. Usually only when she is hungry or if Dillon is bothering her. She is cooing up a storm and is very verbal, and LOUD. She has started to giggle and is newly ticklish. She is so cute. I am so in love:) I have also reached the realization that I have to feed her soon. I even bought an avocado, but it needs a few more days to ripen. Yes, gag I am one of those Moms that make their child's baby food.